Digital SAT Placement Exam Rules And Informations Screen
You may cause unexpected issues by refleshing or reloading the screen during the Exam.
Please avoid refreshing screen and avoid using the forward and back buttons on browser.
Use a device with high Resolution big screen for the best experience possible.
Exam Rules
You cannot navigate between Modules and English between Math Sections. It is not allowed.
You can navigate between questions of current module.
You have to click Submit & Next Question button after each question you solve in order to save your answer.
Finish Exam Button will finish the Exam then you will no longer be able to submit questions. After that your exam scores will be displayed on the screen after a short time.
Once you finish exam you cannot go back and solve the exam.
You can reach these information during the exam by clicking Exam Informations button.
Once you submit a question answer, module questions navigation button related to question will become blue if you give any answer.
Timing Rules
1 - Each English takes 35 minutes If each modules have 27 question.
2 - Each Math modules takes 35 minutes If each modules have 22 question.
3 - Each Modules can take more 1.5 minutes for every extra question. For example if module has 33 questions (6 extra), 9 minute will be added to the timer.
4 - There is a 10 minute break between English and Math Sections.
Rules of Multiple Choice Questions
1 - Choice one answer from 'A,B,C,D' options, then click submit button.
2 - You can submit questions without select a choice. By doing so your answer will be saved as 'Empty'
Rules of Free Response Questions of Mathematics Section
1 - Type just one answer in input if you find multiple answers.
2 - Only decimal numbers will be accepted. you cannot type like 'a=5' as answer. You have to type 5
Download Local Data Source :
This option generates a "{your name}-{Exam Id}-sat-placement-test-examData.json" file that contains all of your exam data.
Only use it to send us when you experience something that should not happened.
Upload Edited Exam Data :
This option allows you to change your saved exam data manually.
Only use this option when advised to use.
After Clicking Use Uploaded Data button : Browser shows an alert. Click Ok then exam page will be reloaded.
Modal title
You Are Finishing Exam !
Are You Sure to Finish the Exam ?
You Are Opening The Next Module!
If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this module only
You cannot open current module again if you click yes.
Are you sure going to the Next Module ?
You Are Finishing English Questions!
You cannot open current module again if you click yes.
You will redirect to break screen then Math Module 1.
Are you sure going to the break than Math Module 1 ?
Digital SAT Exam Rules And Informations Screen
You may cause unexpected issues by refleshing or reloading the screen during the Exam.
Please avoid refreshing screen and avoid using the forward and back buttons on browser.
Use a device with high Resolution big screen for the best experience possible.
Exam Rules
You cannot navigate between Modules and English between Math Sections. It is not allowed.
You can navigate between questions of current module.
You have to click Submit & Next Question button after each question you solve in order to save your answer.
Finish Exam Button will finish the Exam then you will no longer be able to submit questions. After that your exam scores will be displayed on the screen after a short time.
Once you finish exam you cannot go back and solve the exam.
You can reach these information during the exam by clicking Exam Informations button.
Once you submit a question answer, module questions navigation button related to question will become blue if you give any answer.
Timing Rules
1 - Each English takes 35 minutes If each modules have 27 question.
2 - Each Math modules takes 35 minutes If each modules have 22 question.
3 - Each Modules can take more 1.5 minutes for every extra question. For example if module has 33 questions (6 extra), 9 minute will be added to the timer.
4 - There is a 10 minute break between English and Math Sections.
Rules of Multiple Choice Questions
1 - Choice one answer from 'A,B,C,D' options, then click submit button.
2 - You can submit questions without select a choice. By doing so your answer will be saved as 'Empty'
Rules of Free Response Questions of Mathematics Section
1 - Type just one answer in input if you find multiple answers.
2 - Only decimal numbers will be accepted. you cannot type like 'a=5' as answer. You have to type 5