SAT İçerikleri
- SAT Private Lessons and Group Lessons
- SAT Lesson Packages
- SAT Placement Exam
- SAT Questionbank
The SAT is an aptitude test. It measures your academic reading, academic thinking, decision making, academic questioning and processing skills under the most challenging conditions. In addition, your knowledge of technology use in the math section is also important.
As Veritas, we have been preparing students for the SAT exam since 2003. We definitely recommend that our students who get over 1400 in our courses or in the mock exams take the SAT lessons one-on-one. Because now the target is 1600. The target is the best universities in the world.
SAT İçerikleri
For 800-1100 Point Range
40 Private lesson + 10 free study lesson
10 SAT Tests
Classroom or Online Lessons
For the range of 1100 - 1300 Points
30 private lesson + 8 Free study lessons
15 SAT Tests
Classroom or Online Lessons
For the range of 1310 - 1450 Points
20 Private lessons
Unlimited Tests
Classroom or Online Lessons
For those who have 1460 points and above
Let's Determine the Number of Lessons Together
Unlimited Tests
Classroom or Online Lessons